Kaitlyn Royal Divine Shepherd is a Guyanese-American Writer, Author,
and Early Childhood Education Advocate. She writes with the intent to
capture attention, arouses excitement, and impart knowledge to young
minds. Kaitlyn has a passion for teaching children about acceptance,
especially regarding different abilities.
Her passion for education has inspired the Kaitlyn Shepherd Book Col-
lection (KSBC). The KSBC collection sets the foundation for every
season of a child's life. It enhances their communication skills, énrich-
es their thinking abilities, and teaches them life lessons, such as anger
management, honesty, self-acceptance, problem-solving, leadership,
prudence, empathy, bravery, sharing, and embracing others, and apple-
citing their differences. KSBC Collectión also introduces spiritual
guidance and faith.
Collection: Amazing Animals A-Z, Beautiful Birds A-Z, Colorful Colors A-Z,
Fancy Fish A-Z, Fantastic Flower's A-Z, ABC Fruits, ABC Insects, ABC Names
of God, ABC Transportation, The Alpha Rhyme Time 1 and 2, Things
Around Me A-Z, Blair the Millionaire, Captain Coyote, King Kangaroo,
Lizzy the Lying Lizard, President Penguin, The Contrary Cockroach, The
Dancing Donkey, The Furious Frog, The Quiet Quail, The Thoughtful
Turtle, The Whale with a Golden Tail, Story of Daniel, Story of Deborah,
Story of Esther, Story of Jesus, Story of jonah, Story of Josiah, Story of
Lazarus, Story of Miriam, Story of Samson, Story of Zacchaeus, God's
Promise-Through the Rainbow, and Everyone Is Specia.